Religious education is a lifelong process and parents are the primary spiritual and moral educators of their children.  As the Catechism of the Catholic Church says so beautifully,

Education in the faith by the parents should begin in the child’s earliest years. This already happens when family members help one another grow in faith by the witness of a Christian life in keeping with the Gospel. Family catechesis precedes, accompanies, and enriches other forms of instruction in the faith. Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God. The parish is the Eucharistic community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for the catechesis of children and parents” (Catechism, 2226]).

Our responsibility as a parish church is to support parents in their role as the primary teachers and evangelists of their families. Through our full range of Religious Education programs, we seek to give the children in our care the knowledge, experience, and skills necessary to become faithful and fruitful disciples of Jesus.

Our faith formation ministries include:

  • Adult Formation
  • O.C.I.A.
  • Religious Education


If you would like more information on our faith formation programs or would like to volunteer please contact the parish office CLICK HERE

The liturgical life of the Catholic Church revolves around the Eucharistic Sacrifice and the Sacraments. There are seven Sacraments in the Church: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders.


The purpose of the Sacraments is to make people holy, to build up the body of Christ, and finally, to give worship to God; but being signs, they also have a teaching function. They not only presuppose faith, but by words and object, they also nourish, strengthen, and express it; that is why they are called "sacraments of faith." The Sacraments impart grace, but, in addition, the very act of celebrating them disposes the faithful most effectively to receive this grace in a fruitful manner, to worship God rightly, and to practice charity.

Sacraments of Initiation

  • Baptism
  • Holy Eucharist
  • Confirmation

Sacraments of Healing

  • Penance
  • Anointing of the Sick

Sacraments of Service

  • Holy Orders
  • Matrimony



If you would like more information on sacramental prep please contact the parish office CLICK HERE