"St. Basil the Great Catholic Church's mission is the salvation of souls for Jesus Christ in and through His Bride the Holy Roman Catholic Church."


8:30am (ad orientem) & 10:30am (ad orientem)

Confession 8:00am


8:30am (ad orientem)

Confession 8:00am

(1st Sat. Devotions After Holy Mass)

4:00pm  (ad orientem)

Confession 3:00pm




 8:30am (ad orientem)

Confession 8:00am


7:00pm (ad orientem)

Rosary  & 

Confession 6:30pm

Benediction 6:55pm

Holy Days of Obligation

8:30am, 12:00pm,

& 7:00pm  (all ad orientem)

Confession half hour before each

Tuesdays   12:00pm - 7:00pm

Every vocation in the Church comes from and through Christ Jesus. It is He who calls. Spending time in Eucharistic Adoration with our Divine Lord and Friend is a good place to go to ask what He wants with your life. Why not spend some time each week in adoration, in union, in contemplation of the Lord present in the Most Holy Eucharist?



Upcoming Events

Landscaping Project

We need your help with finishing off the landscaping project we started in early Summer! We will be finishing removing the bushes and perennial flowers (you are free to take the flowers home if you come and help!) outside the southeast corner of the church building so we can put sod down. We will also work on shrinking the size of the landscaped mound next to Schroeder.
These are the dates and times Lin Graham will be working out there (please text her at (313) 802-4074 to let her know when you can come and join in helping). Thank you!
August 21st (Wed) 2-7
August 25th (Sun) 11:45am and on
August 26th (Mon), 27th (Tue), 28th (Wed) anytime
Sept. 1st (Sun) Labor Day Weekend 11:45am and on (food likely provided by Lin on this day)
Sept. 4th (Wed) and 5th (Thur) anytime
Sept. (all Saturdays) 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th 10am and on
Thank you!

Our next First Saturday Market Cafe in the social hall is Sept. 7th after the 1st Saturday devotions. There will be coffee, water, and baked goods (sweet and savory) courtesy of Josef’s for a suggested donation. Join us!

We are having a Little Caesar Pizza Kit fundraiser until September  27 .  Orders are due by September 27.  You can order using an order form which we have available in the vestibule or by going online to: PizzaKit.com

Go to PizzaKit.com
Click on Products, then Shop
Select Ship My Order to the Group
Enter the Fundraiser ID# 447285 to set up your account and place your order.
The order will ship the week of October14 and you can pick up your orders in the Social Hall.
As soon as we get the exact date of delivery we will notify you.
We will be getting an extra bonus of $25 for every 50 kits sold over 100 kits in addition to the $6 per kit that we earn.   We must have an order of 100 to have free delivery so please ask your friends and relatives to participate.  This will be a convenient dinner for Halloween night, either before or after trick or treating or parties.  Also handy for around Thanksgiving when we're busy shopping and preparing.  I don't need an excuse to have the Italian Cheese Bread kits.
The Little Caesar Pizza Kit fundraiser we held at the end of 2020 was very successful with a profit of a little over $600!   Let's try to top that!
Thanks for your participation.   Any questions: call Rita Harning 586-214-9232

Please note the drive is not at St. Basil since our social hall roof is being replaced during the below time


FORMED.org Through St. Basil:

                            1. Click the image above

                            2. Type in "St. Basil the Great" under "Create a New Account"

                            3. Click on our parish with the Eastpointe address in the drop-down list, then click "Next"

                            4. Enter your name and email address and click "Sign Up"

                            5. Check that email account to open an email from FORMED for a link to begin using FORMED!

Fr. Mike Schmitz' Catechism in a Year Sign-up:

Going Out of Town and Looking for a Church for Holy Mass?

Looking to have Gregorian Holy Masses Offered?

Contact the Franciscan Friars Mass Association

Saint Bernardine Monastery

P.O. Box 139

Hollidaysburg, PA 16648-0139

1-866-695-3802 Ext. 211